Metafont issues

If you want to run dvilj at 600 dpi you need a {\mf METAFONT} mode for that resolution. The standard TEX release doesn't have such a mode defined, so you'll have to create one first.
Look in your !TeX.Formats directory for the file This includes definitions for all the modes {\mf METAFONT} understands. Add a definition for a 600 dpi mode; I recommend naming it ljiv: this is the name used in the dvips distribution and I've adopted the same name for dvilj. The definition should look something like this:

mode_def ljiv =

I don't know if the reason are 600 dpi but with a blacker value of 0 the fonts look extremely thin on my HP LJ 5L, especially with small characters. So I recommend a blacker value of at least 0.5, although I'm pretty sure the {\mf METAFONT} wizards will want to see my head on a spike for that. And while you're at it change the blacker value of the hplaser printer definition to 0.5 as well.
Next you'll have to recompile your {\mf METAFONT} base file. You'll need a rather big wimpslot for this (around 1280k should do). Now change your current directory to !TeX.Formats and type

wimpslot 1280k
inimf &plain \input; dump

This will create the files base and log in your !TeX.Formats.local directory. Delete log and copy base in your directory !TeX.Formats.plain, overwriting the base file already present there. From now on you'll be able to use the 600 dpi mode by passing mode=ljiv to {\mf METAFONT} (which is usually called virmf).

For more information on {\mf METAFONT} I recommend the crash course, Metafont for beginners, which can be obtained from any CTAN server.
